Michael Brandt Skins

Oct 23, 2004 8:14 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
When I started skinning this year, I had never touched a paintprogram before. Now I have made several skins and I feel like I'm just getting started - there's still so much to learn.

I would like to say that the reason I started was some very cool and inspiring skins made by some very talented people. Here are the (main) reasons: ( They are still my favorites )

Hellfire by Hippy
Universe Metal by Pixtudio
Avenger by MikeB314
Meltdown by Hippy
Prometheus Black by Hippy
Beacon by MikeB314
Spectre by MikeB314
LightBlue by Alexandrie

What are your favorite skins?
25 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Aug 27, 2004 10:15 PM by Discussion: Skinning
Can someone please tell me where to change the text color ? If you click on my current desktop you can see what I mean...
2 Replies Reply 6 Referrals
Maybe a dumb question, but how do I submit a screenshot to the July Screenshot thread??

Thanks in advance.
4 Replies Reply 2 Referrals

Feb 26, 2004 6:44 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Hey, can anyone tell me how this top downloads thing works?

Today my M4 Blackgreen WB skin isnt on the list, even though it was the second most downloaded WB skin yesterday. The one in the 4th place - Sportsman V2 is on the list instead.

So can anyone tell me how it works??

Thanks !!
14 Replies Reply 3 Referrals

Feb 21, 2004 10:15 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Somehow the Logoff buttons arent as transparent as i intended. Why I cant seem to figure out...

Take a look at this:

Does anyone know what im doing wrong?? Im using transparancy, and the most odd thing is that the button to the right is different than the other 2.

6 Replies Reply 2 Referrals
Im making my third skin, and now im really tired of this blue item background in " All programs" and "Close Computer".


Can someone help me to remove that? Can I make it translucent?

8 Replies Reply 2 Referrals
Does anyone know how to do that?

( I need help and need to use a screenshot to explain )

Thanks !
4 Replies Reply 3 Referrals

Feb 17, 2004 10:07 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Where goes the fine line for a skin to be a rip??

The WB Skin "Pearlblue" is basically a recolored version of my own "M3 Blueglass" skin. 9 out of 10 elements i have made. And I am mentioned nowhere.

What do u think ???
90 Replies Reply 4 Referrals
I cant reply to the comments on my new WB skin "M3 - BlueGlass" I get the error "The page cannot be found",. The same happens when trying to comment on other skins.

Is it me or is there an error ????

2 Replies Reply 1 Referral
Can anyone tell me which program to use for making graphics for windowblinds skins? I mean - i know i have to use Skinstudio, but which one is best for creating the actual graphics??

Im completely new to this, so if someone could come with some suggestions as to how to get started id appreciate it !!

Thanks !
2 Replies Reply 1 Referral

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